As an LPC supervisor with a successful private practice, Annalisa can teach you the nuts and bolts of running your own therapy business. Most college counseling programs forget to teach us about business. Even the PA Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors (our governing board) neglects this important part of our work. How can we be expected to make a salary commensurate with our student loan debt if we're not taught how to build a private practice? Annalisa focuses on more than the basic supervision requirements for becoming a therapist. She takes clinical supervision to the next level so you can become a wildly successful mental health entrepreneur.
Wondering how can I find an LPC supervisor near me? Well if you're anywhere in Pennsylvania, you're in luck! We can provide online supervision. Check out our curriculum to find out exactly what you'll learn at Licensure Path. We can't wait to meet you!